5 steps to review your company’s cybersecurity strategy

5 pasos para revisar la estrategia de ciberseguridad de su empresa

The world of cybersecurity is constantly changing and organizations are trying to find the latest ways to keep their digital assets safe from cyberattacks. But with so many new strategies being developed, it can be difficult to keep your company’s cybersecurity strategy current. Fortunately, there are five easy steps you can take to review your company’s cybersecurity strategy and make any necessary updates. Let’s look at each of them in detail.

Define your company’s cybersecurity objectives

The first step in reviewing your company’s cybersecurity strategy is to define your goals. These are the ways your business wants to use digital security, and they will be different for every organization. However, there are some common cybersecurity objectives that you may want to consider including in your company’s strategy: * Minimize the cost of a cyberattack * Defend against malware attacks * Prevent data breaches * Improve information management policies * Protecting Sensitive Data Online Each of these goals has specific steps and methods you can use to accomplish them. For example, if one of your goals is to minimize the cost of a cyberattack, you might invest in a two-factor authentication system. This would require employees working remotely to authenticate their logins both with passwords and with an external device, such as an SMS code or phone call, to prevent unauthorized access.

Identify your business assets and threats

The first step in reviewing your company’s cybersecurity strategy is to identify the most valuable assets for your organization. Assets are anything that can be compromised by a cyberattack, such as customer data, intellectual property, or your company’s reputation. This will help you identify what needs to be protected at all costs. It will also help you identify potential threats that you may not have considered before. In the past, most companies focused on keeping their computers safe from virus and malware infections. Now, they also worry about the security of their data and how they can keep it safe from hackers. Once you know what’s important to protect, the next step is to understand the threats against those assets. For example, if customer data is identified as an asset worth protecting, then one would need to understand who might want access to it and why they might want it. If there are people within your organization with access to customer information – such as human resources employees or IT technicians – make sure they are properly vetted and supervised so that they do not use that information for malicious purposes rather than to protect it for their own benefit. of your company.

Invest in your most important assets

A fundamental cybersecurity strategy is to invest in your most important assets. For example, if you run a construction company, you’ll want to make sure your blueprints and other sensitive data files are secure. The same can be said of any organization. Investing in your most critical assets will help ensure they stay safe from a cyber attack.

Establish a formal process to manage risk

El primer paso que debe dar al revisar la estrategia de ciberseguridad de su empresa es establecer un proceso formal para gestionar el riesgo. Una de las mejores maneras de hacerlo es implementando un Marco de Gestión de Riesgos (RMF). Un RMF le ayudará a identificar qué riesgos son dignos de preocupación y cuáles puede descartar. Podrá priorizar sus ciberriesgos y tratarlos en consecuencia. Además, es importante asegurarse de que todos los miembros de su organización conozcan el proceso y su funcionamiento para que puedan aportar ideas o ayudar a evaluar el riesgo si es necesariThe first step you should take when reviewing your company’s cybersecurity strategy is to establish a formal process for managing risk. One of the best ways to do this is by implementing a Risk Management Framework (RMF). An RMF will help you identify which risks are worth worrying about and which ones you can rule out. You will be able to prioritize your cyber risks and treat them accordingly. Also, it’s important to make sure everyone in your organization is aware of the process and how it works so they can contribute ideas or help assess risk if needed.o.

In summary

Cybersecurity is no longer just a concern of technology companies or company technology departments. Every business needs a plan, and every plan must be continually reviewed. Knowing your business assets and threats, investing in your most critical assets, and establishing a formal risk management process will help your business better prepare for future threats.

Ovnicom through CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) as a service offers 360-degree advice on cybersecurity, from the development of a tailored plan to the implementation and integration into your existing systems and the monitoring of threats to your network and compliance with the cybersecurity plan.

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