Backup as a Service

¿What is Backup Service (BaaS)?

Cloud backup, or Backup as a Service (BaaS), is a method of offsite data storage in which files, folders, or the entire contents of a hard drive are regularly backed up by a provider of services in a secure cloud-based remote data repository over a network or internet connection. The purpose of online backup is simple and straightforward: Protect information, whether personal or business data, from the risk of loss associated with user error, hacking, or any other type of technological disaster.

Instead of backing up with a centralized on-premises IT staff, BaaS connects systems to an external cloud that is managed by certified Ovnicom staff.

Backup as a Service is easier to manage than other off-site services. Instead of worrying about rotating and managing staff, alarms, or hard drives at an offsite location, data storage administrators can offload maintenance and management to the vendor. With Ovnicom’s Backup as a Service solution, you will be able to backup data from Laptops, PCs, and Physical and virtual Servers to our public cloud.

Advantages of backup as a service

  • Comfort .The convenience offered by BaaS solutions is indisputable. Baas is automated: Once set up, information is automatically saved as it is transmitted. No need to proactively save, tag, and track information. Rather, the convenience of BaaS allows you to focus on your work without worrying about data loss.
  • Security. Because your data is stored in the BaaS, you are not subject to the typical threats of hackers, natural disasters, and user error. In fact, the data that is stored in the BaaS is encrypted, which minimizes the risks that your data may incur.
  • Ease of recovery. Due to various levels of redundancy, if data is lost or deleted (most often through individual user error or deletion), backups are readily available and easily found. Multiple levels of redundancy means that your BaaS stores multiple copies of your data in locations that are independent of each other. The more levels you have stored the better, each level ensures that data is backed up as much as possible, giving you access to a backup version of the data if it is lost.
  • affordability. Baas can be less expensive than the cost of tape drives, servers, or other hardware and software items needed to perform backups; the media on which the backups are stored; transporting media to a remote location for security; and the IT work required to manage and troubleshoot backup systems.
Planning for the implementation of a backup as a service (BaaS).
What a good backup strategy should include:
  • What data is the data that the company requires to function? Will only the servers be backed up or is there data on user machines that cannot be lost? Many times users keep information on their devices that is crucial for operation, such as purchase orders, budgets, cost lists and many more.
  • How often should I make a backup? Should I be running full backups regularly? Or trust incremental backups? The answer is that both have their place. To fully protect yourself, it is essential to take regular full backups and keep them secure. Full backups can be scheduled for slow times or can be done overnight when no one is using the data. Remember that full backups take the longest to complete and use the most disk space but are the easiest to restore. A full backup backs up the entire server, machine, or virtual machine. An incremental backup only backs up files that have changed or been added since the last backup, saving storage space. The cadence of full vs. incremental backups can be different for each organization.
  • How long should I keep the backups? By overwriting your backup files, you can save space, but you may not have an old enough backup when you need it. Some experts recommend three months, but that may not be enough in some situations.
  • Who monitors your backups? It is not enough to schedule backup copies and that’s it. You need to monitor them to make sure they are happening on schedule and this is where Ovnicom helps you. You should also test your ability to restore and fully understand the options you have to restore your data. A backup is only as good as its restoreability. You should test this periodically to ensure you have a solid disaster recovery plan. Count on ovnicom experts to not only monitor the tasks but also to help you restore your backup.
  • Special Considerations. When backing up servers with different operating systems, you must be aware of the limitations of that system. For example, SQL servers can handle differential backups, while other servers cannot. Some backup software like Veeam easily integrates with all major operating systems and therefore supports backup from multiple servers using different platforms. In short, Ovnicom collaborates in providing you with a single administration screen for all your backups.

Investing in Backup and Replication has never been easier before!

Ovnicom is a VEEAM Cloud Service Provider, and promotes the VEEAM Always-On strategy for Corporate Cloud Computing.

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