ZOHO ONE The true operating system for your business!

Servicios Especiales de tecnologia

Hello! Today I will talk about a very special software for your business.

ZOHO ONE! – The Operating System for your Business.

To clarify the context of the article, I confirm that if you have already worked with Windows, Linux, Android or iTunes, I congratulate you! You already know what an Operating System is. In this sense, reading will be much easier for you.
Otherwise, don’t worry! I invite you to read the article, to show you the benefits of talking about a Business Operating System.

An Operating System or OS, is in charge, first of all, of taking control of all the hardware of your computer, managing computing resources, such as: the processor, memory, hard disk, input and output interfaces, such as the screen, the Wi-Fi card, the Network card, the HDMI port, among others.

Also, and having taken control of all this, it allows you to install applications such as Excel, Power Point, Google Chrome, .pdf Viewers, Programming Languages, Image Editing Software, and many, many more applications.

Now… why did I explain all this?

To show you, mainly, that the Operating System offers us something very important… It offers us a Digital base, on which to add applications, that will help us achieve and do our tasks, such as power point presentations, excel graphics, convert documents in .pdf, create images for our social networks, etc.

"Analogous to business, you also need to run those types of tasks, but for multiple clients or companies."

That is, you have to record customer data, make phone calls, make sales presentations, create and send quotes, make video calls, receive and manage support tickets, collect, invoice, pay, among many other business activities.

Here is the greatness of ZOHO ONE!

An Operating System for Business, which from the moment of its installation, allows you to execute a large number of business tasks, to respond to the needs and requirements of your customers and suppliers. Also, for yourself and your team of company collaborators, who will be responsible for doing all the tasks for the benefit of the organization.

With that said, I will now talk about the top 10 Applications or Modules that make up the ZOHO ONE suite of applications.

  • ZOHO CRM: Allows you to register PROSPECTS, CUSTOMERS and COMPANIES. You can generate quotes and even sales orders. Your Digital Transformation for the customer, sales and Marketing begins here. ?Manage your Pipelines efficiently and visibly, in real time!
  • ZOHO SALES IQ: It is a module that is integrated into your web portal and gives you information in real time in your CRM, who is browsing your web page and which links have been visited.
  • ZOHO MARKETING: Basically, here you can develop and structure all your marketing campaigns for your business.
  • ZOHO FLOW: It allows you to configure and automate your workflow, leaving repetitive tasks at the command of a bot, while your sales or administrative team deals with the most important business tasks.
  • ZOHO ZIA: It is a Bot integrated to ZOHO and is part of the Operating System. One of its benefits is that it can solve reports for you, and even answer questions to find information in your system that is associated with other modules. A very powerful tool that gives you a 360 view of all business data integrated into your ZOHO ONE!
  • ZOHO PROJECT: In conjunction with ZOHO SPRINT, it allows you to manage projects, in traditional mode with Gantt line and Milestones, as well as making use of AGILE Methodologies, allowing you to manage SCRUM projects and carry user cards, Epics, Dashboards, among other characteristics of agile projects. . Extremely useful and necessary if your company works under the AGILE culture or is interested in migrating to this modality of collaborative work!
  • ZOHO SHOWTIME: It is your classroom in ZOHO. With ZOHO Showtime, you don’t need an external E-Learning system. You can create classes, free or paid, share screens or take control of the screens of the participants, take surveys, share files, make use of whiteboards. Whether you are a company oriented to the E-Learning Education Model or you are in the process of digitizing sales processes, operations or simply training your team on a new item, product, service or process, ZOHO SHOWTIME is the tool to integrate into your company.
  • ZOHO ANALYTICS:It is a Business Intelligence or BI engine, very easy to use and with the power of having ZOHO Zía integrated into it. It features hundreds of data sources, builds hundreds of reports and views automatically for you, and allows you the flexibility to create and modify your own reports and KPIs, while displaying and sharing them both privately and publicly. It is one of the best Dashboard and Analytics systems on the market and has nothing to envy Tableu, Power BI or even Pentaho BI!
  • ZOHO ASSIST: It is an Online Help or Help-Desk system. It allows Technical Support personnel to provide remote assistance, in the best TeamViewer style, but with management tools and software integrated into the ZOHO ASSIST module. It can be natively integrated with your ZOHO CRM customer database, boosting the visibility of your business and customer data.
  • ZOHO BOOK: It is the accounting module of ZOHO. <br>It is also integrated with other modules such as ZOHO FINANCE and ZOHO INVENTORY, thus achieving a single point of business accounting management.

Actually, ZOHO ONE includes more than 40 applications, for your business, ready to use and 100% online. It does not require the need to have a local server, nor the need to have software developers or programmers to install it or start using it. As a cloud-based software, it is ready to be used, from the same day the first account is created and accessible worldwide with only an Internet connection and a device such as a PC or Laptop.

Another enormous benefit of ZOHO ONE is the ability that you and your team will have to have mobile applications for Android and iPhone, enhancing the mobility of your business, making it more flexible and easily accessible.

To finish this blog, I am sure that at least 2 or 3 of these applications will help you start the Digitization of your Business! and to solve many problems that the need for Digital Transformation brings with it.

At Ovnicom, we want to help you in your Digital Transformation process.

Click here and schedule your appointment with one of our specialists in Business Innovation and we will gladly support you to Digitize your Business and Increase your Sales.

In a future article, I will talk about Automation in ZOHO CRM and the value of ZOHO as a Business Operating System.

Greetings and success

Jesús Espinoza

