How to implement CyberSecurity in your company with Ovnicom?


Today we have a very exciting and extremely important topic in the business world, Information Security and #CyberSecurity.I start with define, What is NOT Information Security?

  • It is not an Antivirus.
  • Not Double Factor
  • Authentication..
  • It is not IPSec VPN.
  • It is not a web application
  • Firewall.
  • It is not a Penetration
  • Testing.

I can keep saying everything that Information Security is NOT, but I think that with the previous items, the wrong #paradigm that can be had about what Information Security is can be broken.

One moment! I am missing a very important one! I describe it below:

Information Security is NOT Buying, Selling, or Managing the "FEAR" of the Client or the Business Owner.

And it is that in Information Security it is and refers to …

"Increase BUSINESS VALUE, using Information Technologies with an emphasis on Security and Protection of Business Assets, whether Digital or Physical, to Guarantee and Optimize BUSINESS GOVERNANCE"

So, as you can see Information Security IS, the following:

  1. It helps to increase the PROFITABILITY of the Business.
  2. It helps to manage the Main ASSET of the Company, which is the DATA.
  3. Help and enhance business GOVERNANCE.

At Ovnicom, we have defined a “CyberSecurity Collaboration Model” that allows us to collaborate with your company in achieving these 3 premises:


We also have a Standard Framework, known as I.P.A.R:

  • Identify.
  • Protect.
  • Ensure.
  • Report.

In this way, we serve your organization “AS A BUSINESS WHOLE” that requires care in the main asset of your business, DATA.

I leave you, in the following diagram, our Methodology of Services in Information Security and CyberSecurity:

Ciberseguridad como servicio Panamá
Ovnicom - Business Collaboration Model in Cybersecurity

Added to Ovnicom’s I.P.A.R Framework, is our Managed Services Model led by a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) who is integrated into a team of certified professionals and specialists in information security and cybersecurity technologies.

"Our human resources will allow you and your business to enjoy the freedom, tranquility and confidence of having a Strategic CyberSecurity Ally that will be oriented to provide you with the IT Governance Strategy of your Organization"

Also, you will have immediate and agile action to satisfy #CyberSecurity requirements in:


There are 5 Business Levels that we have defined at Ovnicom, and that will help your company to implement Cybersecurity Strategies and Solutions throughout its communications and information technology platform.

business levels

Next, I describe each business level:

  • Cloud and Applications Level: We manage the identification of vulnerabilities and remediation in public cloud environments and their applications, whether in AWS, Azure, IBM, Oracle, Google and VMWARE.
  • Communications Level: With more than 20 years of experience in the provision of Public Telephone and Internet Communications Services, our team of IT security specialists will take care of guaranteeing the High Availability and Quality of Communications that your organization requires for compliance. of its strategic objectives.
  • Server Level and Data Layer: We manage your VMWARE Data Center and its applications located on your premises, achieving high levels of quality and assurance with Data Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions, which will help you to be in compliance with the levels of business continuity that your company requires.
  • End Users and Devices Level: Did you know that the perimeter of your organization is now located in the laptops, phones and tablets of your staff? This new framework expands the security and protection policies of digital assets to the homes of your collaborators, public places and temporary offices. Here we help you manage the data protection and integrity of the data that is exchanged between your collaborators and the application and cloud services, both private and public in your organization.
  • Corporate Governance Level: Not because it is the last, it is the least important! It is actually the tip of the Iceberg of any Business Assurance Model. Here our CISO as a Service, will collaborate in the identification of Standards, Policies, Business Impact Analysis, Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan. All these models will be based on the joint implementation of the NIST framework, the COBIT Business Maturation Framework and the ISO 27001 Standardization System.

Finally, at Ovnicom we believe that our true Value Proposition in Business Information Security Management is found in a Continuous Service Model, focused on customer requirements and with agile and measurable deliverables.

Let us help you in the Governance of Cybersecurity and Information Security of your Company, while you increase the value of your Business.